The Beau Brown Pavilion

… is situated at the Bathurst Showgrounds.  It was erected in 1892 and is Heritage listed. We called in there today to pick up our tickets to the circus for tomorrow. 

We had a busy day. We had Leo and took him to a sports carnival where he was in the high jump. It took 2 hours which was a bit lengthy as I was preparing to have all the Bathurst family here to celebrate Bob’s birthday. I also spent an hour at the hairdressers. I had been wanting it cut for a month but this was the first opportunity at my local salon. We also collected Maddy from school and moved lots of furniture around to fit everyone in. So I didn’t have much spare time to sort out dinner for a crowd. I have done 2 wash ups since they left and the dishwasher has been on. I’m now resting on the old lounge which the boys moved from our front room to the family room as it is not as shabby as the other one ( which is now on the trailer ready to go to the tip). 

We did have a lovely day but I’m really tired now and won’t be long out of bed. 

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