Fun in the Garden

A week or so ago davidc posted an image of a water ballon bursting after a fun afternoon of playing using the Pro Capture feature on his Olympus.  My little Olympus OM-D5 MarkIII also has this feature, so I just had to give it a go.

I knew I had balloons (this has been on my "to do" list for some time, albeit using the DSLR), and eventually tracked them down. This was when I hit snag 1: how to fill them. They just did not expand. Eventually I compromised and ended up with small balloons about 1/3rd full of water.

So out into the garden and snag 2: I stabbed away with the pin, but all that happend was the balloon swung away wildly, and the camera card filled up ...

Eventually a vigourous stab with a pin vice "got through", but only managed to produce a hole from which water spouted (extra 1). Finally a really vicious stab caused the ballon to burst (I got wet)!

The next attempt actually worked and produced the main image. Extra 2 was the previous shot in the set and still includes part of the balloon, but is a softer focus.  I only had 2 more balloons, but totally mistimed the shots :-( 

What I learnt: It's fun; I need to get hold of water balloons with thinner skins which are easier to fill and burst!

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