Speckled wood butterfly (pararge aegeria)

I am pleased to announce that I have (finally) recovered fully from my recent illness. Even better, I am posting my blip on the right day. Hurrah!

After Mark and Audrey set off for Reading this morning, Mr hazelh and I turned our attention to domestic matters. It feels like we have been loading and unloading the washing machine, and trekking back and forth to the washing line, most of the day. I also treated myself to a wander around the Leith Walk charity shops this afternoon. Donations were made, but I bought nothing.

This evening Jon came over for supper and a couple of games of Catan. With world champion Paddy nowhere in sight, and dice strangely biased to the number 4 in the second game, I won twice.

I have blipped the speckled wood butterfly that visited our garden this morning.

Exercise today: small amount of walking (6702 steps).

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