Ball and chain

Connected by a rope covered in seaweed. My favourite mooring ball, rusting on the beach.  :-)
I wanted to have a look at the site where this old houseboat had been beached because we noticed that it had been burned when we walked down here with Renata, Krista and Bruce. We didn't want Bruce sniffing around the burned bits, so we didn't go to have a close look. It must have been a controlled burn, because in these extremely dry conditions, a fire would have spread quickly.  The tin roof had been removed and piled off to the side. The 1st extra is some charred branches on the hillside behind where the houseboat was. I was sad to see the old wood stove, the propane tank (2nd extra), and some pottery pieces. There had been plenty of personal possessions inside and outside, and a notice had been posted on the houseboat on April 8 giving the owner 60 days to remove them. None had been removed the last time I had seen it, less than a month ago. I hope that we'll find out when and why it was burned. We suspect that it would have been easier to burn it than to try to refloat it to remove it with the other derelict boats. 
When I came home, I did a couple of hours cleaning up in the garden. Things are starting to wind down but there's still plenty to do before putting the garden to rest for the winter. I'm glad that R and K took tomatoes, beets, carrots and garlic home!  R brought us some green beans from her garden, and we really enjoyed them with our supper last night. More left for another meal too! 
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday. 

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