
I have visited my Dad today, and THIS was on the wall between the display unit and chimney breast, directly in my line of sight the whole time I was there! Biggest and most evil looking I have seen in a long while. My Dad does not mind spiders and "quite likes" this one. Not that I'd have risked him doing himself an injury by asking him to get rid of it.

Every time I looked at it I felt as if someone had tipped a bucket of icy water down my back. Not looking at it was not an option either - knowing it was present somewhere, but not exactly where would have been even worse! I know! It can't hurt me, and I know they are good to have around as pest control, etc., etc. Phobias however, are not rational!

I booked my Dad and myself in to visit my mum in the care home a week tomorrow so we can take all the clothes over. My Dad found a few more bits for her in the drawers. He has struggled visiting her on his own. He says she just dozes off and he sits there like a lemon. If she is chatty I will be quiet and let them talk, and if she is aggressive towards me I will go wait in the car!

Happy September fellow Blippers! May it be the best month of the year so far for one and all!

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