
By Marionb

Catching the Last Rays...

and I mean the LAST.......Talk about a last minute blip!  The day got away on me right from the get-go and it was not until the sun was almost down, that I ran out and snapped something - anything!   

I was caught off guard this morning when my cleaning lady showed up; I had forgotten that this was the day!  As I had been gone for so long, there was not much for her to do indoors, so we decided to tackle the carport shed together. You have to have seen that shed to really understand what that meant! 

The first step was to totally empty it...and then she went to work cleaning and then took on the role of head de-clutterer. I felt as if I was on one of those TV shows where the expert comes and forces the hoarder to get rid of things? no time there were three piles! Keep, Donate, and To The Dump!  Then we added a fourth - Hazardous Waste..(.seems if there is a skull and crossbones on it, it is "hazardous"...) Some things were easy to toss and when they weren't, and gentle persuasion didn't work, she would use that "look".. if it isn't already an emoji, it should be!  

It took hours, but the effort was worth it.. The donations have  been donated and I have added "dump run" to my to-do list - with a big asterisk, meaning to do right away! 

Not being used to all that lugging, bending and lifting, I was worn out, so I had a nap...a very long nap - which I obviously needed, as I woke up just in time to catch, with my iPhone, the last rays of sun... shining on said carport shed... 

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