Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Apartment Therapy

This stylish bedroom is brought to you by the creative genius of me. It's been 8 (yes, eight) years in the making.

In truth I've only just completed decorating my bedroom eight years after I moved into the house. For the last four years it has 90% finished, and this weekend I've put the final touches on.

A lot of thought has gone into this. The purple and white bedspread is chosen because its the only one I have that matches the pillowcases. You'll notice three hand picked specimins of art (3 for £30 from poundland) selected (stolen from downstairs) specially to create a comforting ambience.

The carpet has been closely vacummed by my fair hand, creating a 'bit free' foot experience. Each set of drawers are adourned by the only things a man could require - a couple of lights to scare off the demons, a radio (not plugged in because I actually keep it downstairs) to listen to current affairs and (out of shot) a basket full of dirty clothes for convenient removable of the days garmets.

In other news it's a good job I have someone close to me who is passionmate about style and interior design AND whom acts as a catalyst for me 'getting things done'. I'm sure if you ask nicely she'll pop a link in the comments section for you to view her actual stylish entry in a worldwide interior design competition.

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