
It was quite a nice morning, but it turned into a wet afternoon and my washing got wet.  How annoying.
TT was at work today, so I was home alone and hardly had time to get my lunch.  I was trying to pop out for a walk all afternoon, but didn’t make it until after 5pm.  At least the rain had gone off by then.  later I heard that I had been successful in getting a temporary promotion opportunity.  I'm not convinced I want it, but it's only for a few months - I hope.  
BB missed rugby training tonight due to  his ongoing injury, but his playing at the weekend was recognised by getting a [place in team of the week, which takes in all teams at the rugby club, from the first fifteen down to S1.  So he was very pleased about that, especially as he played with an injury and couldn’t finish the match.
Our sunflower patch was pretty devastated by the recent strong winds.  We have two vases full of them in the house.

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