
By dunkyc

"That's how the light gets in"

Today is World Mental Health Day. Crazy, huh?

I have spoken on here before of my own experiences with mental health and my attempts to manage it effectively. Anxiety is my primary companion, and I remember feeling a strange pride when the doctor declared me to be a “high-functioning depressive” - I’ve never been a high-functioning anything so there was a delicious irony in being buoyed by this diagnosis. I’ve also been on the wrong end of gaslighting, which isn’t as much fun as it sounds and there is an innate cruelty in being led to doubt your own sanity. Definitely not something I would recommend to anyone. 

The good news is that I came out the other side of the gaslighting, and more importantly to me, I’ve learned (and am continuing to learn) to live with and manage my anxiety alongside the depressive episodes which can accompany it from time to time. I’ve done this through a few methods, largely self-education and action. Knowledge without application is largely pointless. Whilst this is all well and good, without doubt, the best technique to start the ball rolling is to talk about it.

It really is that simple. You need to open up and not be cowed by shame or thoughts that this will make you less than you are or that you are alone in this, because the opposite is true, and as Hemingway tells us “We are all broken. That's how the light gets in.”* 

Talking about how you are truly feeling does take a certain kind of strength and courage, but if you can find it in you to take that crucial first step, it makes the next step to educating yourself that much easier. From there, you’ll be properly tooled-up and able to make that final leap to putting those techniques you’ve learned into action. Beyond that, well, you’ll be ready to fly. 

It’s a beautiful day out, so I’m getting my blip in early before heading out for a run and/or a walk, planting some bulbs out and making final preparations for m’boy’s birthday tomorrow!

Dedicating this blip to my brilliant family and amazing friends (you know who you are) who have heard me out over the last few years. And, yes, I am fully aware that this doesn’t exonerate me from getting the first round in next time I see you, sheesh…. 

Wishing you all good mental health!

*I can't shake the feeling that I first read this on Blip, so thanks to whomever I may have stolen this from!

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