The Birthday Celebration

I picked up my now 8-year old granddaughter Odette this morning - her birthday was yesterday. She had a large outdoor party at her school's covered playground and apparently had a blast! But this morning was our time! She asked for bacon, fried eggs, olive bread and of course an extra serving of olives (we're oh so definitely related!) since she hadn't had breakfast yet. Followed by opening her presents, one of which was kinetic sand. I hadn't ever heard of it, but we spent the rest of the morning playing with it - making creations and new colors...what a blast. If you don't know it, look it up ;-) 

We had some lovely little teacakes and macaroons instead of birthday cake which I forgot to take a picture of, darn it! I spent the rest of the afternoon futzing around with my business FaceBook page on the advice of one of my blip friends who suggested that I offer garden consultations. Brilliant! 

A dash outside on this very blustery and cool afternoon and managed to get an interesting shot (probably the last) of Clematis 'Taiga' blooming very uncharacteristically in mid-October. She's a stunner! 

Hope your weekend was as fun as mine ;-)

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