Red light on a hill

It was fairly chilly tonight, a little misty, overcast. Jeans and a light jacket weather. It wasn't bad. It truly felt like fall.

I had never truly experienced fall until I moved here. My hometown experienced fall, but there were not many trees, so there were not the colors I see here. The rest of Arizona doesn't get fall either, so I didn't get that in college.

The place I lived in Ohio got it, but I don't remember being wowed by it. Maybe it's because it's so flat, plus I didn't really go out much. I remember the leaves changing and being pretty, but they weren't like here. The places I lived in Texas didn't have many trees, and I was in Austin during the worst drought in generations, so the leaves were brown anyway. Florida doesn't have fall colors, and Phoenix's only happen on a few trees in January.

It wasn't until I lived here to truly experience the transition from summer and the pretty leaves. The temperatures are chilly, but this night wasn't bad. There were lots of crickets chirping, so it felt like fall and Halloween from a cartoon I'd watch as a kid. Maybe there was magic in the air? I can't describe it, but it made me feel like maybe I can actually appreciate this season instead of dread the coming winter.

I do look forward to the photos I can get of the colors. The trees only just begun changing here. The big trees aren't there yet. Maybe I'll get a photo of something other than the colorful hill.

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