October sunlight

We are formally out of isolation today - and it's a bright sunny day, definitely something to lift the spirits.

Richard went out early to do a food shop. I took the camera for a short walk around the park opposite our house.  Sunlight was filtering through the trees; leaves were drifting and rattling softly on the pathways.

Over the last few days, several other friends of ours have tested positive for Covid; there is clearly quite a wave of infections going on among the vaccinated. Ruth reports that some of her work colleagues have tested positive recently too.  Fingers crossed for mild symptoms all round.

The reports of the continuing Brexitshambles make me more and more embarrassed by our government. Johnson is described by some Tory colleagues, apparently, as "not giving a toss about Northern Ireland".  Indeed. I hope that all this will eventually hasten the advent of a united Ireland, if and when it can be achieved peacefully and with majority support both sides of the border.

Taking refuge from all that in today's images, I watched the play of filtered sunlight on the entrance to the apartments next door to our house (these were once part of a large Victorian primary school building; most of it still continues as a school).  Our  window box gardening neighbour has done well this year; now it's all dying down.  In the extra, I've popped in a shot of some nasturtiums putting on a last burst of energy in our garden, before the first frost catches them.

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