Hello fabulous

nice and chilly this morning
when does it stop being nice and chilly?
when it is freaking cold

Someone gave me an article on grief today. It said that in eight months I can expect to be depressed and for everyone else to think I should be over it. I've entered it into my calendar. 

Did you know that there are ferns that are evergreen? Mind blown. 

Íslandsbanki is predicting that twice as many tourists will go to Iceland in 2022 as this year. (This would still be a bit fewer than in 2019.) Also, the average tourist is staying longer. I can totally see people wanting to stay on vacation and never go home to reality.  

If you want to go to Glasgow early November, forget it. Because of the climate change conference, you will not get a room. If you got a room before, you don't have it any more, your booking has been cancelled so they could raise the price. I hope there is a train from Edinburgh.

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