The transformation of Stead's Place

After the saga of whether or not the parade of shops/commercial premises fronting on to Leith Walk would be saved (they were), there still remained the question of what was to happen to the now abandoned commercial/industrial units/warehouses behind. Of course, they meanwhile became quite a fruitful source of street art, and other random blips, as well as a general dumping ground. But now they are on their way out, cordoned off, and under demolition. I hadn't heard that what is due to replace them has yet been given planning permission, but it is perfectly possible that it will have been. The interesting question is whether the pedestrian pathway through there from Bonnington Road to Leith Walk will be maintained during the building works. It's not as if there are no alternatives, but it is very useful, and I go through there approximately 3-4 times a week.

Anyway, I do love to chart a demolition site with a blip, and I've added an extra which matches to one of my previous street art blips.

I ploughed through a big pile of stuff yesterday, and fortunately had no meetings to interrupt me. We did have the DIY man here in the afternoon, as he is helping us to prepare the surface on which the wardrobes will be compiled next week (not something the wardrobe company themselves do...unlike kitchen installers...). This time next week, we may be putting our stuff away again. That would be very nice, as it is currently in a huge pile in the living room.

After dinner, we watched a bit of TV, in particular a marvellous Who Do You Think You Are with Judi Dench. Well worth your time. Thereafter, reading in bed. I've almost finished the William Boyd that is getting in my way of starting the Book Group book. I certainly won't manage to finish the latter before Monday, but there's every chance I will have started it.

Spinning and a bit of walking was my only exercise. I do need to get back to doing some weights and bodyweight sessions, but the current state of the flat does not really make it feasible. In that, and other, respects, I feel like I'm in a waiting game, expecting something big to happen any time now...

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