Old kitchen

It is difficult to show you my existing tiny kitchen, because I can't get back far enough to get it in. So here are 2 pictures, one from outside, and one from the back door. The wall with the glass cabinets on it, will be coming down. On the other side is a light, a picture and a radiator. One of those is going to be easier to relocate than the other 2! We have had provisional dates for the kitchen and appliances to be delivered, and also been in touch with the builder, so from mid November it will be all go. Jon is project manager, and much to his dismay has now agreed that it is necessary to make a list of jobs to do, in order. He hates making lists!

Have felt totally rubbish at work. Just one day off and as one of 3 of us in the team working today, felt totally overwhelmed. Trying to have it all up to date before I finish tomorrow is challenging...actually probably impossible. And not expected either, so I need to reason with myself. But any I don't do has to be done by an overloaded and equally stressed colleague, so I did work until 5 today. Will be very happy at 4 o'clock tomorrow.

Have been intermittently worrying about the craft stall in December today. So I made a decision that we will do the stall, and to buy one day insurance.(thanks Claire and Jose) I've done it and sent it to the clerk of the town council this evening, and hope it is alright. The plus was that I kept searching and found it for £15.99. So a much more reasonable fee I think. Obviously I hope noone injures themselves visiting my stall, but if they trip on the pavement that isn't going to be my fault. If someone manages to injure themselves on my bunting, purses or shadow frame pictures, then I think there is little chance of them being clever enough to sue me!

I managed to spill our curry all over the worktop. That's why I don't cook. Jon and I then scooped it back up and reheated it! It was only us eating it, after all. Then we spent some time packing a bag each for the holiday. I had to get a bigger suitcase because I am used to just packing my clothes straight into the caravan.

Now quiz night on bbc2 before an early night!

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