
By JeanSnaps

Reeds at Birnie.

A day of mist covered skies and incessant rain.  I haven't slept that well since my marathon sleep on Friday and dragged myself up early to be ready for Julie.  Great to have my hair cut.  It was perfectly OK until about a week ago and then it seemed to put on a growth spurt overnight.  Lots of chat and photographs then she left and I fell on the sofa with breakfast and my Ipad.  It was pretty downhill from then.  The plumber I phoned yesterday didn't get back to me and I felt tired. Ignored all my to do list, read and kept almost falling asleep.  So much so that I eventually went to bed for a nap.  I don't know if I slept or not. I think I was mostly half awake with the thought that I hadn't taken a photo floating through my mind.  Gave up about half past four and went out in the car to Birnie. Passed gorse in full flower on the way.  It was dull and getting dark and raining. Not a duck or a swan in sight.  And I don't blame them.  However, I had a little walk which was good. I never seem to notice the reed beds much but today they really registered.  And the one red tree made a nice focal point.

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