Strange sight on a city sight-seeing tour

I woke early to that I could say goodbye to LauraMuir before she made her mad dash back to Glasgow to meet her decorator. Winsford didn't have to leave in such a hurry and took her time over breakfast at our kitchen table. Soon after she set off home to Pitlochry, I was back at my desk to continue my research assessment work.

At lunchtime Mr hazelh and I walked up to Blackwells to buy a copy of Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - my next book group book. I couldn't find it on the shelves at first. The shop assistant told me that I was looking in the wrong section and pointed me in the direction of science fiction - oh my goodness Ridgeback13, what have you done?!!!

On our return journey home we saw this blue person scaling a wall in the Old Town. I wonder what the tourists made of her?

Exercise today: walking (10,370 steps).

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