Number 3

I finished apron number three! I've enjoyed making them but am now pleased to get back to my dress project which I really want to finish. I've put in an extra photo of all three aprons for anyone who missed the others and is remotely interested in seeing them! 
I'm so enjoying sewing at the moment but I tend to get carried away and anything else eg. cleaning and hoovering will be ignored! I am still managing to keep us fed, and our clothes clean, so I guess that will do! I'll maybe have a cleaning day soon! Apart from the dress I want to sew some Christmas decorations for my grandchildren. I was hoping to get them made to take with me when I go away. That's only three weeks away now so I'm not sure how much I'll get done. I'll just have to post them if necessary.
This evening I managed half a sleeve of my knitting so that will hopefully be done in time for the visit. I could take that with me to complete at Charlotte's if I haven't got as far as the sewing up. I was hoping to travel light this next trip, but now it's extended to 10 days, with days out, a birthday and a wedding, I don't think that's going to happen! I'm going to treat myself to a new suitcase, possibly one with a hard shell. Anyone have any recommendations? there are so many to choose from.
Mum has been advised to eat more fibre to aid her stomach problem, which I have been suggesting for years, but now one of her lovely carers has suggested the same thing,  I have been tasked with finding out what she should eat to do this. I did make a list for her a few years ago, as this is an ongoing problem for her. I believe it didn't work after a few days so it was abandoned!! I'll do another and hope the carers will persuade her it's not a quick fix. She was in a pretty jolly mood and has requested a new spellchecker as the one she has had for 30 years is slowly giving up the ghost! Thanks to Amazon that will be with her tomorrow.
High winds and rain forecast for the night and tomorrow; hope I can still get to my matting group.

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