
THANK YOU for all the birthday greetings yesterday!

Left the house at 17.00, as agreed, after a reasonably okay day, and arrived at Rhodos at about 17.25, our appointment being at 17.30.  AW's back not yet so good.  Sweed and Benna arrived about 17.40.  It was supposed to be a surprise, but AW had a feeling, 'knowing my little one', that there were going to be guests.

We had a whale of a time!

Didn't invite anyone else because and because, and it turned out to be a capital decision.  This Greek restaurant has been here for almost 50 years, meaning long before I got here, and the food is really good.  We had squid and calamari and anchovies, and their courgette appetizer is simple but super, and of course souvlaki and moussaka.  I was the only one who ordered dessert, which AW had to finish, which he did very gladly..... haha!  Sweed and Benna came loaded with gifts, the most fabulous of which was a box of mind-quieting homeopathic herbs, which he intends to consume as economically as he can stretch it.

Shot taken by Benna.  Just as well as I'd again forgotten my memory card, and, anyway, I couldn't have taken a shot like this.

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