The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The new test pack

In today's exciting news, I stayed at home and received a new pack of tests. The swabs in these don't need to probe my tonsils. Just my nostrils. I've been waiting for these new style tests for a long, long time. It's a measure of how dull my life has become, that I look forward to new testing methods*

I got my PCR test results late in the day. Negative, like my LFT test this morning. I'll have to go in and help deep clean the nursery tomorrow. No-one was in today. About 1 person in 100 in Stroud town has CoVid at present, so there's no point in people going out if they don't have to.

While I was lolling around, I finished my book (The Red House Mystery, by AA Milne) so that I could discuss it with the Shedunnit book club. As it's a light, funny, amateur detective novel set in a country house and written in 1922, it's a very early example of the Golden Age detective genre, and didn't excite as much controversy as last month's book, Miss Pym Disposes. It is, however, the only detective novel written by AA Milne, better know for his Winnie-the-Pooh stories for children.

*I've been trying to think what the new box reminds me of. Something from my past, maybe. Colours reminiscent of a box of tampons? At least that part of my life is over.

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