Completely nonplussed

I'm on her stairs, crouched down, taking a picture, when she opened her front door. She didn't even ask. Totally fine. 

I so wished today was a third weekend day so I could keep gardening. 

Still, I buried 10 crocus bulbs. You think crocuses come up in the Spring? They do! AND there are crocuses that come up in the Fall. That is what I buried today. 

Tomorrow and Wednesday I need to mulch everything because we will get our first frost Wednesday night. I'll try to plant every other bulb I currently have first. I'll take another picture after I've mulched it. 

The two really tough spots? I filled with water, tried to dig, filled with water, tried to dig, looked repeatedly at my two holes of water, and .... gave up and buried the plants there anyway after dumping some compost in. 

I did finally see my first grub! It was swimming in the water hole. This is fabulous, because it used to be that the only thing that could grow in my "soil" were grubs and I could find dozens per shovel-ful. Years of adding nematodes to the ground have left me with very few. 

Thank you for sharing this with me. 

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