Graffiti wars

A few days ago, I spotted a couple of swastikas painted on the sidewalk outside a Chinese restaurant. I photographed the spot, sent it to someone in a local antifascist group, and within 6 hours someone had spraypainted over the swastikas and had painted the Iron Front symbol (three downward- pointing arrows) and the words "no pasaran." 

Today I passed the spot again and someone had painted over the antifascist symbols, leaving a new symbol, a kolovrat, in use as a hate symbol popular among far-right Ukrainians, among others. I have reported it, and I expect it will be painted over sometime tonight. Someone on Twitter observed that it's useful to keep hate-groups busy with painting and re-painting graffiti, as while they are painting, they aren't harming people. Makes sense to me, though it must be worrisome for the people who own the Chinese restaurant. 

Thanks to H0tamer for explaining the word above the symbol: "The word "слава" means glory. As in "Слава Україні!": glory to Ukraine!"

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