
By Livingandloving


Let's all take a moment to say, "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" while looking at this adorable little dog, Mini. Isn't she precious? I just had to snap a shot of her when I was at a potluck in the park with friends in the late afternoon, early evening.

The morning was spent finishing up some tax preparation that need to be sent off to my accountant. Then Sugar Bear and I headed into town to meet The Hubby for lunch. It was nice and relaxing. Finally some Spring Break around here for me.

Then we ran a few errands before joining our friends for the potluck. I wasn't in the mood to cook, so I just picked up some chips and salsa. Everyone else was much more ambitious as usual.

It was a wonderful for all. Sugar really had fun playing with the kiddos, and I enjoyed some wonderful conversation with folks I haven't seen in awhile.

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