
It was noticeably quieter this year; the annual celebration of burning the papist. Or, perhaps, catching out the only honest man in Parliament... The bangs were missing, albeit not mourned. I don't have cats or dogs, nor even ex-service personnel, but I do understand the aversion to explosions. It took the ranting of an elderly lady a few years ago, after I had let off a hundred bang cake, but the message finally sank in...

I watched V for Vendetta, last night. I was once again captured by the succinct message of disobeying the misrule of a fascist dictator. I wonder always if, when push comes inevitably to shove, if I will have the strength. This evening out of the blue we put on the first of the re-makes of Star Trek, and again I was transported to strange new worlds where people lived in a technological socialism and dropped photon torpedoes onto totalitarian despots...

I didn't think much of John Major at the time. Perhaps it was that he was purportedly so dull and unchallenging, despite being a Conservative. Today I was really taken with his frank assessment of our government. You might say that's simply because he's saying what I want to hear, but he gave words and music to why the Tories are not currently really Conservatives at all. I know, soapbox again. But everything is politics, even the gunpowder plot.

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