Everyone's a critic...

Gah! You call this suet? Icky sticky stuff; it gets everywhere...

There are still load of berries in the garden, and it's too early yet to put out seed in the feeders. Nonetheless, I thought I'd put out these two suet balls that had remained unused after the spring. They're still entirely good, but the expression on the face of this juvenile starling definitely implies otherwise...

Another miserably cold and wet day. I've very glad to be indoors albeit it's not particularly warm here either. We did buckle yesterday, and the heating went on - just to test the system and bleed the radiators, you understand. But it's off again now. If I get too cold I can go outside for a warm...

Getting to grips with Mastodon. My current server is EU based, so I'm getting a number of language options and hey, Duolingo has helped - I can read many of them! A thread about Germany's €49 train ticket reminded me of a blog post I made not so long ago on free at the point of use public transport.

You may say, I'm a dreamer, but (clearly) I'm not the only one.

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