Coffee Coloured Comfort

I was introduced to Fika when we visited Charlie, while she was doing field work in Sweden for her Masters. Fika is far more than a coffee break; it is a way of life, a mental attitude and a sharing of sustenance for both body and mind. It can't really be solitary, but I'm afraid I did this all by myself and had to eat both slices and drink both cups... buzzing now.

And I couldn't make it greyscale. Coffee and cake are so very very colourful. So it's a sepia mono today, full of the richness of the subject matter. Yes, I brewed fresh espresso for the shot... did I mention the buzzing? The service is from Guernsey Pottery, bought many many years back, probably mid-seventies on a family holiday.

The weather today is mostly meh, which made it a perfect day for a still life. Janet's fine but still positive after more than a week, and I'm kind of limited in what I can do - just in case I'm a negative showing carrier. Still, life goes on. I've had a fun day exploring Mastodon and blogging about the experience, and there is always cake...

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