Autumn leaves: stag's horn sumac/h

I'm never entirely sure about the spelling - sumac or sumach. Whatever it is, it's a Rhus Typhina which does very well in a corner of the garden. So well in fact that its suckers have to be kept brutally in check or there would be a stag's horn forest.

When you've been awake since 04:00 07:00 feels like the middle of the day. It was  still dark when I was prowling about in the garden looking for some blip subjects. I had to use flash to catch the lovely colours on the leaves. They're often the last to fall and they're tough, fibrous things which keep the ground below the tree snug over winter.

It's a nuisance to be awake so early but not a disaster. I have a quietish day ahead with only my regular Tuesday zoom with  pals this morning and the new yoga class later this afternoon. I used my wakeful time to write an email which had been on my mind in the wee small hours. Not a horrible one but one which I needed to craft rather than bang out. So that is done as is some other admin. I heard (several times) on the World Service that recent research shows that people who fall asleep between 10-11pm have better heart health than people who have a later bedtime. Well that suits me. But it's the staying asleep that's my problem.

Today is my younger son's birthday. Happy birthday to E. I won't be seeing him till tomorrow when he drops his two year old off for the day but I'll be thinking of the day he was born. A beautiful sunny autumn day.  I looked out on leaves like the ones in my blip from my bed in the now demolished Stirling Royal Infirmary feeling on top of the world. And very hungry.

Edit: I had to add the extra. It's not that great a photo but this is my record of the bellowing of bullfinches  eating the rowan berries. They're such lovely birds and what a terrific collective noun! 

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