Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


It’s a goofy picture, I know. I tried taking one myself but I was so out of it I could only get the top of my head. The nurse volunteered to help. I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open but was alert enough to stick out my tongue. The extra, which I didn’t know she took, is a close up of the boot. With nothing else to shoot, you might see that a couple more times!

When the surgeon came by, she told me it is a walking boot - but it’s really only meant to make it easier to get to the bathroom and kitchen, which are both close. About 3 hours after taking the Narco, which is half Tylenol, I can move a little. Very little.

It all went well and the boot stays on until I see her in two weeks. I’m still super groggy (it’s close to 24 hours later). My neighbors have been awesome and I’m really grateful. They took a lot of scary out of this. Four visits among 3 folks when I got home, 3 so far today.

I’m going to nibble on something then go back to sleep in the recliner, where I’ll be sleeping for a while.
Thanks for all the well wishes (and cheering on my buddy yesterday).

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