Moody Skies, Frozen Puddles

No sunrise to be
seen this morning. I went out
to find some photos

~ carliewired

Once again, the weatherman has disappointed me with incorrect forecasting. Isn't meteorology supposed to be a science? We were to have a couple of hours of 'mainly sunny' this morning. That did not happen. 

I left the house at 8:30 heading for Mission Flats on the south shore. Something is always better than nothing, so I was going to look for 'something'. 

I first noticed a large congregation of Canadian Pacific Railway workers by the tracks. I was guessing they were gathering up to do repairs on the damaged lines to the west and south. Further along, there was activity along the pipeline route. There were lots of men in hardhats and many pieces of equipment in action. Perhaps it's just the clean up crew. 

I drove on to the end of the road where I can see out towards Kamloops Lake and Battle Bluff. The vegetation is decorated in winter white. The sky was dark and grey, although it was starting to clear to the south. I picked my way through the wild plants and the frozen puddles. I could hear an eagle cry, but I couldn't see it. I watched a deer walk along a snowy ridge but it was soon lost to me. I turned for home and caught this view of my mountains across Rabbit Island. 

I will put a small roast of beef in my crockpot for dinner. It's another quiet day for me. 

We might expect some flurries today with a high of 2 C. 

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