
By SamAgainPlease

A grab bag of my history

A big mirror that my partner brought into our relationship when we started 21 years ago.  We've been too scared to hang it up because it weighs too much - it's been on this ebay second hand alter table for about 15 years (remember when ebay was fun?), a big feather someone gave me about 10 years ago, coasters made from burl and epoxy by our son for my birthday this year, a Bristol blue vase (that hasn't turned out  very blue in this photo) given to me as a wedding present in 1992 by Wendy, one of my mother's oldest friends (it has well and truly out-lasted that marriage), daisies picked and trimmed by my mother last weekend, a Christmas card from my nephew and his family in Tokyo, a 2 or 3 week old Saturday newspaper (we only ever get a hard copy on Saturday), and a Tom and Jerry plywood cut out made by my son when he first commandeered part of my shed - he's moved on a bit since then as you can tell from the coasters.

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