Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


We’re somewhere between needing to keep the A/C running and putting on the furnace. It was a day to stay indoors so I didn’t have the itch to go outside.

I’m moving around very slowly with the cane, along with anything else I can grab onto to stay upright.  It’s been frustrating. Then I realized that despite the feeling it’s been forever, the surgery was barely a week ago. I think my expectations are a little too high. It’s still a week before my first post-surgical follow up appointment. I think this feels long because I was considerably limited before the surgery due to the concussion. I’m still having symptoms from that.

A friend suggested we take a ride to Madera Canyon tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather will be better. I was invited to someone’s house for Thanksgiving among nine other people. I’m not sure whether I am going. Lots of factors to weigh.

Quiet day. Most of the evening I have been playing mindless games on my iPhone. Haven’t heard from anyone the last couple of days other than a neighbor who took my trash bin to the curb last night. I’ve kind of enjoyed the silence.

What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
A middle name.

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