Flower Friday

I seem to have gone a bit arty-farty this week, but I'm so inspired by blipper Rainie's gorgeous arty flower shots (like this one) that I thought I'd have a go. I've got a lot to learn but if you don't try then you won't succeed! So I took a shot of a vase of flowers belonging to my Editor and fiddled around with a texture overlay. It looks best large.

Thanks as always to BikerBear Anni, our FF host.

And don't forget that tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month, and therefore is an "official" Silly Saturday with a host - in memory, as always, of Admirer. RavensRoost is kindly hosting this month and she's given lots of hints on her posting on the challenges page here. The tags are SilSDec2021 or SilS270. Go on, have a go at something really wacky!

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