One year

Our veg garden has an inappropriate willow 'hedge'. This variety makes a terrible hedge, just shooting skywards and casting a bit too much shade to be helpful but there's no way we'll be digging it out now.

I had been scrubbing down the old shelving units that had become filthy with sawdust and general grime over their year in the barn. They are now installed in the dry, (hopefully) vermin-proof room at the back of the barn and are already full. I do like organising things so there was a sense of minor satisfaction, however LH's tools still need a home so more shelves need to go up pretty promptly before the tools are ruined by the damp and salt.

Indoors I've managed to finally rid the landing of a big removals box and now LD's beloved old toys (the ones worth saving for the future)(I'm ever hopeful!) have their own box in a cupboard. Plus some misc craft bits I was puzzled about as they'd gone AWOL. Obviously one of those surprise boxes of packing filled with things that were the right size and shape but with no relation to each other whatsoever.

LH had his booster at lunchtime after a round of golf and he was shattered when he got home so had a lie down. All fine now it seems. My booster was this evening and I've no obvious aftermath. I can't blame the achy buttocks and thighs on the jab as I was experiencing them all day, a measure of how creaky I've become and how much I need the Pilates!

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