Journey Through Time

By Sue

April Fool's Day

No fooling around with this image. Well, a little, I guess. When you sharpen things up, sometimes it makes the image look 3-D, doesn't it? This is an anemone that made it through the winter in our container. The blossom is much smaller than the ones in the garden center, but it's still pretty. Today, with the cloudier day, it never opened up fully as it did yesterday. Now it is closed up tight for the evening. I just noticed that last year's photo is the cousin to this flower, the ranunculus. If you look at it, you can see that that flower always looks like an eyeball is in the center of the some weird alien thing.

Bill has been a garden fool today, mowing and clipping and weeding and all that sort of stuff that he loves to do. And that problem with the garage door really fooled us, as Bill looked at it again and figured out how to fix it. The garage door guy stopped by, thought, and made sure it was back in the correct operational mode. It was! So, whew...dodged a bullet there. We felt a little foolish, but not too much.

If I had been very clever I would have made an English fool, a dessert that looks wonderful, but didn't think of it until right this minute.

Off to figure out dinner. We still have a few leftovers from Saturday that will be good again tonight. Catch ya later...

Fool's Rush In

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain

And for that little fool in N. Korea:

Showing off is the fool's idea of glory.
Bruce Lee

And from Will Rogers...One of America's wittiest humorists in bygone days.

A fool and his money are soon elected.

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