Did a few chores this morning and this afternoon I headed off to the village as I had a dentists appointment.  Went to the park first to get my blip shot  -  I knew it would be dark when I came out of the dentists.  I chose to go to the wild part at the bottom of the park. But I couldn't really get  a wide shot there. No time to try anywhere else so Ive had to stick with my original image. I like this part of the park as its hidden away.  On the left down a steep slope is the main road through the village and on the right is the main part of the park.  This area in the middle is more natural and quiet. I was joined by a cute robin while I was there and he sang a lovely song for me.  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting the challenge. The theme today is " with nature ".

Dentist appointment was for a check up and to see the hygeinist.  All OK.  Except for .... " the missing pillow".  I usually have a pillow behind my head as I find it uncomfortable to lie on the chair without one.  However the hygeinists were using a different room to usual and they couldn't find the  pillow..  They searched ... and searched.  They went to other rooms to look.  No pillow.  In the end they provided a childs booster seat wrapped in a plastic apron.  I must say that worked better then the pillow.  So I will ask for the booster seat next time.

Did a bit of shopping before walking home.  It was a calm day today with no rain but it was bitterly cold.

Steps today - 10,042

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