
By dunkyc


I had driven for five hours and factored in an overnight stay, so I think I was entitled to be fairly annoyed when the meeting I had done this for was cancelled as I was driving to it this morning.

Once more I had been inadvertently stitched up by Johnson as my client had elected to have an emergency meeting in response to last night’s announcements rather than a brew and chin wag with their insurance broker. The impudence! To be fair, they’ve also had something of a covid outbreak in their offices, so I can’t say that I was too disappointed at being turned away.

A few phone calls and messages to the ex-wives club later to arrange cover for the offspring and I am now having a couple of extra nights at my parents to accommodate a re-arranged meeting. Fortunately, it is no hardship as it is very festive due to all the Christmas decorations (example pictured here) being out and my father popped out to get us something from the chippy for lunch AND I’ve been able to continue working in the interim/in between viewing the torrent of creative Johnson party memes which have been unleashed on the interwebs.

Also took the time to catch up on some blips and comments. You lot really do say the nicest things, which I’m not used to as most of my relationships are built on the solid foundation of mutual verbal abuse, but maybe there is something in this “being nice” malarkey which seems to permeate through Blipfoto?

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