Present and Correct

Yesterday was another full-on day, and work once again was full of drama. I arrived to find I was working with one of the lads from my boss' other shop - the one I worked in before for many years. He's a lovely friendly guy named Yasser, in his last year at Uni and with a bright future in front of him.

The reason he was there was that my usual colleague has now been sacked. We were told not to let him into the shop and to call the police if he insisted on coming in. That was not necessary fortunately. He did cause chaos as often as not and was not the easiest person to work with on occasion. He has problems though, and I hope he will get the support and help he needs.

Hekmat phoned me and wanted me to work tonight. He called an hour before the shift was due to start. I said I couldn't do it. I will no doubt end up with a few extra shifts but I will make it clear that I cannot work full time indefinitely. I'd rather not do it at all! I struggle to keep on top of stuff as it is and I know everything else will have to be allowed to slide again.

It's worse at this shop as the shifts are two hours longer. The sooner he gets someone else trained up the better! A few "someones" since Yasser will be moving on in the next few months when he is finished at Uni, and possibly another guy from the other shop too!  

In other news I got my hair cut and roots coloured today and made serious headway on Christmas shopping. I also finally caught up Blip comments too!

The photo is a display set up in the hairdressers'.

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