I got art!

The artists use the shades of pink, blue, and green, with perfect, simple harmony yet excited, carefree abandon. Abstract art like this knows no boundaries. The shapes meld together, the shades of the colors flow together to create harmonious patterns. The focal point of this piece is the Forever Flower, giving the illusion of a beautifully photographed flower on a postage stamp. The rest of the picture is covered with light red, nearly pink, swirls and whorls with an organic background of blue and green. The representation of smiles is meant to portray happiness and joy. The piece is exciting to look at because of the manner in which it captures the imagination of the viewer, combined with exuberant emotion.

(Significant portions of the above review may have been plagiarized from someone selling school papers online, but I think I amended it sufficiently to convey my impressions.) 

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