Fluffiest in the House

Minstrel is always happy to see me when I come home - unless he is asleep! He trots to meet me at the door with a Mrrr and requests for a fuss whenever I return. Once I have shown him some affection he goes back to whatever he'd been doing previously - watching the world of the back yard on this occasion.

I have been to my Dad's today and wrote his Christmas cards for him. He will deliver them over the next few days and have conversations with everyone he takes them to no doubt! I had a few other little jobs to do today . Not too much fortunately.

I'm back to work tonight, for at least the next five nights. I nearly fell asleep on the train this morning, and I feel a bit off colour. Hopefully I will buck up in the next hour and half or so!

Grace is away to Leeds until Sunday - an early Christmas with Sophia. I hope the two lovely girls have a great time!

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