
By dunkyc

Cookie Monster

It was a high-risk play. Turning up to meet Simmo without having baked some cookies. What was I was thinking?

Sure, I had her Christmas presents for the exchange and some hot chocolate in the flask, but I had seen her no-cookie rage before and knew that I was playing with fire. Fortunately, by the time we had reached the summit of School Knott (having first negotiated our way past some suspicious cows “who might eat us”) I think she was ready for a hot drink and a snack. We demolished the shop-bought crumble mince pies, sipped our drinks and took in the stunning panoramic view, which seemed to extinguish any cookie-rage fires.

The cloud inversion over Windermere was stunning, running the full length of the lake and lending a very chilly morning to those at lake-level. On top where the sun had reached it was a different story and I found myself loosening clothing and <shock horror> removing my bobble hat to let the air get around my head.

It was just what I needed. The booster shot of yesterday had left me feeling pretty bleurgh if the truth be told, but I was determined not to sit around for the whole day feeling sorry for myself – just the afternoon was fine. It was nice to catch up in person with Simmo too, we hadn’t seen each other for a few weeks, but being the good friend that she is and knowing how low I had been in the last couple of weeks, she’d been checking in periodically to insult me.

Arriving home I was tired and not feeling good, so gave myself a break and lost the rest of the day to eating rubbish and watching far too much TV. 

It has been a lovely restorative weekend, which should hopefully make the final three working days before the Christmas break more bearable after which time, seven consecutive days off await. 


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