COUSIN AND BROTHER... and a doggy in the middle.

The weather today was grim.  Thick fog with rain.  I needed a bit of shopping so I headed for the Co-op.   I assumed the shop would be busy but it wasn't.  And the shelves were fully stocked so I had a good shop.

Did a few chores and unpacked a couple of boxes which had arrived in the post.  Then I got ready - my sister in law Virginia was due to collect me at 5.30pm.

My brother John was at home when we got there and later on cousin Philip arrived.  He had driven up from Birmingham.  He is staying with another cousin - Arthur  - over Christmas.  Arthur was still at work so couldn't join us for the meal.

We had home made cauliflower soup, salmon with vegetables and for pud - home made paradise slice.  The food was all delicious.  The 4 of us had a nice catch up after the meal.  I haven't seen Philip for a few years so it was good to see him tonight. Then John and Philip went out to the pub - Arthur was going to meet them there.  Quickly took my blip shot before they left.  Bella the labmaraner was in her usual spot in the middle of the sofa. The lighting was bad so it isn't a good shot but it was more important to capture the moment.  After the " boys " had left Virginia and I had a nice evening just chatting.  Virginia gave me a lift home later.

Apologies for lack of comments - no time this evening. Hopefully catch up tomorrow.

Steps today - 9,243

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