More Snow

Another day of
grey and gloom, so I will just
hunker down at home

~ carliewired

It was a calm -7 C at 8 AM but no sunrise to enjoy today. The valleys are overcast and snow is in the offing. 

I was pleased to find no new snow to clear from the driveway. I drove off to pick up a few groceries and get my photos. 

I was going for the easy shots today. I parked along Schubert Drive beside the Rivers Trail. Parking is difficult now with all the accumulated snow we have. I picked my way carefully onto the trail with my camera tucked into my jacket. Snow had just begun to fall as I parked. My mountains had been visible just minutes before, but now were almost lost to view as the weather system moved into the valleys.

Joggers were still in force this morning. They never cease to amaze me with their dedication. 

Both sides of the Rivers Trail held a snow load of several inches. I could see down to the North Thompson River where ice pans floated along. I found a berry bush near the river. I think these could be goji berries (wolfberries) which are believed to have been brought in by the Chinese when the railway was being constructed.(mid 1880s) They still grow in the west end of the city. 

Someone had decorated a bare bush with Christmas ornaments. I can see a small version of myself in this green bell. It was high out of my reach. 

I was back home by 9:30. I may well be out clearing snow today or, certainly, tomorrow. 

The forecast is for a high of -5 C with periods of snow. 

My daughter will be by to help me get the microwave out of the box and installed in my kitchen today. 

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