Snowy Riverside Park

A late start for me
as I waited for the sky
to let in some sun

~ carliewired

I was up all too early but decided to roll back into bed at 7 AM when the sky looked so dismal. I left the house just after 10. There was no new snow, thankfully. It was - 4 C. 

I drove across the bridge to the downtown and parked near the tennis courts in Riverside Park. The parking lot had been cleared and the piles of snow were pushed back out of the way. 

I stepped onto the Rivers Trail to walk up the ramp to the bridge. It, too, had been well cleared. Halfway up to the bridge I got a shot of my mountains with the blue sky just emerging behind it. The sun was already shining on the north shore and my house. There was a very chill wind blowing. I tucked my camera inside my jacket and hoped for the best. A man walked past me at a fast clip. He wore nothing on his head. I was rather shocked and said "Where's your toque?" That amused him. He stopped to explain that he didn't like to have messy hair when he had to take his toque off. That made me laugh. I said he was going to freeze his ears! 

There were Canada geese on the river but I could not get close. The pier is closed for this big renovation that's underway. That's always been my vantage point for wild fowl. 

The Celtic Stones and the Japanese bridge all looked odd under snow. 

I stopped briefly at my daughter's on the way home. There was the mailman in Bermuda shorts walking his route! I was so surprised I forgot about my camera on the truck seat. 

I'm home with plans for Cottage Pie today. The cookies from yesterday's efforts are looking delicious and will deserve some photos. Then it's back to the quilting projects!

We may not exceed a high of -4 C and we might well receive some snow flurries at the end of the day. 

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