Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Wet, wet, wet

We woke to a dank, dreary day, and it continued to rain - not hard, but very wettly - for the entire day.  We ventured no further than the bins in the front garden, and the shed in the back garden where the wood supplies are stored.  

We've had a lazy day, though we did do some shopping - online, to collect on Tuesday.

The photo is the back garden.  The bird feeders were empty when we arrived on Wednesday - there were some seeds and peanuts in a cupboard, and very soon after replenishing we were visited by lots of birds.  We bought more when we went to Minsmere RSPB reserve on Saturday.  Today we have seen Mr and Mrs Greater Spotted Woodpecker, as well as innumerable tits and sparrows.

The tall structure at the far end is an owl box.

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