10 years!

When I started Blipping on Jan 1 2012, my intention was to blip every day for a year. After I'd managed that, I thought I might make a second year. So here I am - 10 years down the line, Blipping every day, and I simply can't imagine a day without posting a picture. Over that time I've improved as a photographer - not necessarily technically, but more in terms of always looking. We all have good days, we all have bad days, but every day is still - and always will be - a Blip day.

The numbers and letters above are made up of each of the photos I've posted this year. (The camera is - of course - my "new" Blip camera, I now have a red one - and won't reach a gold one until I post 5000 Blips, which will be a while!)

Huge thanks to those Blip directors who give up their time to keep us happilly Blipping. 

I've had a few OK pics this year:

Most faved entry of the year

Most starred entry of the year

One of my favourite pics of the year

and over the past years:

Most viewed entry

Most faved / starred entry

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