Just a morning pootling about indoors due to the dreich weather.  I think we were so lucky when Mum was here as we managed to get out and about on the 2 or 3 days we needed to without getting wet and it kept Mum occupied, which is always a plus.

Just a photo taking through the kitchen window onto a part of our front garden and trying to show the bluriness caused by the rain on the window pane.  Photo taken on Samsung.  

Nothing else to say today.  I hope you are all well and enjoying your fihal days of 2021.  A bit of a year again.  I'm just thankful that we are still here and are as fully protected as we can be. 

Do take care, stay safe and dry (if in the UK)  - it's even raining in Grange (I know, the saying is "It's always sunny in Grange" except it's not today!!!)

After being reminded by Kipsie (thank you so much) I am entering this for Abstract Thursday.  On looking the optional theme is for basic elements (in abstract I guess) - well you can get much more basic than rain and shrubs can you???  Many thanks to Ingeborge for hosting.

Actually I've been thinking that I need to pay more heed to the challenges and will have to try ad enter more often next year as if gives a great focus for photography.

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