Bargain hellebores

Here are the bargain hellebores that I bought yesterday. I planted them in the flower bed outside our bedroom window this afternoon. Meanwhile Mr hazelh drilled holes into the pots so that we can use them on our yarden steps with other plants.

It's been another busy day. By mid-morning Mr hazelh and I had both been boostered, taken the picture that Mr hazelh gave me for Christmas to the framer, and picked up a few provisions in LIDL for dinner tonight and tomorrow. This afternoon I gardened while Mr hazelh worked on a play, and Mummy hazelh read her book. Then I did some admin (a little work, a little household), and made a curry for supper. I think I deserve a mid-week glass of wine and an evening of slobbing on the sofa!

Exercise today: walking (13,236 steps).

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