Bridge to Bridge on the Rivers Trail

Sunshine streaming through
my windows launched me out the
door before breakfast

~ carliewired

As usual, I was up early in the dark. I was surprised to see my phone blinking. Who would be trying to contact me before 5 AM? The provincial health system sent me a message to book my booster shot at 1 AM. Thankfully, the phone was on vibrate or that would have woken me up. 

There was no sunshine in our forecast whatsoever, so as soon as there was sunshine coming in my windows I was out the door. The snow flurries we'd been warned about over the last few days have not materialized. Temperatures are warming. It was already a balmy -1 C when I left the house just before 9.

I parked at Pioneer Park to walk the distance on the Rivers Trail between the Red Bridge and the railway bridge. The sun peeked in under the Red Bridge. I passed the Kamloops Heritage Railway compound beside the Red Bridge. I took a shot of their old caboose. I looked across the river to my mountains that were lit up nicely in the morning sun. I discovered several trees along the trail had been decorated for Christmas. The disembodied Santa looked rather amusing. I was thinking "shrunken head". I passed the railway bridge and walked a little further to check if I could see waterfowl on the rivershore as I did before. There they were! I saw more trumpeter swans than I've ever seen before. I suspect people are throwing food down to them in this location. The ducks were very quiet but the swans were having a lot of conversations. 

Just as I was taking a photo, a big dog came up behind me, ran around me and started down the bank to the birds. The owner, coming along behind me, called the dog back. At the same time, the birds on the shoreline created an incredible racket as they recognized the threat coming at them. Some began to exit, some took to the water and some to the air. 

I yelled "Hey!" to the dog and turned to face the owner. No doubt my face expressed my feelings without having to say anything. His response was "I called her off. Don't give me your attitude." I replied in a very loud voice "Where's the leash?" He muttered something and I said "Read the rules. They are posted everywhere." At this point a vehicle pulled up beside him. The dog jumped inside. I aimed my camera at the license plate on the front of the car. The dog owner called "Why are you taking a photo of my license plate?" To which I replied "Attitude." Then it got really silly. The fellow shouted "You can't take a picture of my license plate. That's illegal!" I laughed and said "You're in a public place." Then he said "I don't feel safe now." Then I laughed again and said "Yes. I look like a killer." and I walked away. Seriously, he must be half my age and a lot bigger than I am. Silly!!!

I turned back to the trail to head back to my truck. I started to feel a bit nervous about the wackadoodle I'd just encountered. Thankfully, a young fellow came onto the trail just ahead of me and I made sure I kept pace with him all the way to the parking lot. Other than this unpleasant encounter, this was the most comfortable walk I've had for several weeks. 

I was home again with my second breakfast by 10AM. The roads are getting wet and sloppy with this rise in temperature. 

The forecast for today was for a high of -1 C and a chance of flurries. We were already at 0 C at 11 AM so the day is surpassing expectations. 

I'm home to my hobbies and the radio again today. Meatballs would be nice. 

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