An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Project begun...

Backblipped 06.01.22

So, Day 5 of my Covid Countdown and also my pal Sleepyhead's birthday.  He's supposed to be coming to see us later this month but have sadly postponed that as David's now tested positive (no surprised there) so our quarantining will go on for slightly longer.  Plus I suspect energy levels in both of us will be rather depleted making us not the best of company.

I was self isolating last year on my birthday (trying to avoid the covid rather than having it) and although I won't be self isolating this year, once again it's going to be a bit of a wash out.  I hate having a January birthday.  All those of child bearing years, please hear my plea and abstain from the rumpy-pumpy for the month of April.  Your future off spring will thank you! 

Not much to report.  Symptoms much the same.  No worse though so happy about that.  Hoping David's symptoms stay as bearable as they are.  Had a go at some crochet.  After about two hours I had this square.  I kept nodding off and making silly mistakes.  There's even a mistake in this!   

I suspect if I am going to crochet, I have to do it early in the day rather than late evening.

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