All Gone a Bit Pear Shaped

Today has been a tough day.
It started off with me at the doctors first thing to have bloods taken and ended with me dragging a soaking wet Miss L out of the bath and dumping her dripping and screaming on the floor for Mr K to deal with.
In between there was a lot of shouting and chaos.
I've been tired and grumpy and irritable and snappy and impatient.
The Little Misses have been irritating and naughty and loud and messy.
There is glitter and cottage pie all over the stupid bloody carpet in the dining room.
And there is Cheerio and raisin "juice" all over the living room carpet. They mixed them in with water without me noticing and then naturally spilt the resulting mixture all over the floor.
I can't be bothered to deal with any of it.
Is 7pm too early to go to bed?

edit: just read last year's Blip. April 5th is clearly not a good day for me!!

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